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Tips And Tricks To Remove Algae From Acrylic Fish Tank

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Tips And Tricks To Remove Algae From Acrylic Fish Tank

Have you bought an Acrylic Fish Tank or an Acrylic Tube Aquarium Follow these tips to keep the Acrylic Fish Tank clean and algae-free and enjoy the beauty and resistance of Acrylic for Aquarium.

In addition, discover the best selection of acrylic sphere water feature: acrylic domes and spheres, acrylic fountain, acrylic tubes for center pieces and acrylic fish tank for sale.

How to Remove Algae from Acrylic Fish Tank

Algae are good for an Acrylic Tube Aquarium, but when they stick to the walls; they need to be removed, which is often a problem in Acrylic Fish Tanks for sale. These acrylic tubes for centerpieces have become very popular, as they look the same as glass, but their weight is considerably less. Acrylic Design fish tanks come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and are very resistant, although they are very easily scratched.

Here is how to remove algae in Acrylic Fish Tank

To remove algae from an acrylic surface, whether Acrylic Fish Tank aquarium, you need a rubber acrylic aquarium scraper. This is a specific tool to remove algae in any acrylic projects, and it is used very easily, simply by rubbing the walls of the aquarium.

In cleaning an Acrylic Tube Aquarium, you cannot use sharp scrapers and tools that are usually effective for cleaning a glass aquarium, such as spatulas. The material is strong but scratches easily and this, over time, spoils its appearance. Check Acrylic Columns for Sale.

Solutions to eliminate algae from the aquarium with algae

There are many options for keeping algae growth down or removing algae to keep your aquarium cleaner.

Aquatic animals that eat algae

Snails and shrimp eat algae and help you keep your aquarium clean. But there are also some species of fish that feed on algae, such as Ancistrus, Siamese Fox, and Otocinclusaffinis.

Add more plants

Increasing the number of plants in the Acrylic Tube Aquarium helps reduce algae growth. If the plants consume the nutrients, the algae cannot thrive. When you don’t have plants in your aquarium, add some. And, if you already have a few- add some more.

Seaweed magnets

Magnets are very useful for cleaning aquarium walls, both acrylic and glass containers, as long as they are square. These are two magnetized pieces placed on both sides of the glass. The inner piece has a pad, which cleans the glass when the outer piece is moved.

Change the arrangement of the acrylic tubes for centerpieces.

Some simple maintenance jobs will help reduce algae growth. The next time you do the cleaning. Do not fill the acrylic tubes for centerpieces as much because the more water there is, the more algae will grow.

Place the Acrylic Fish Tank away from sunlight as it accelerates its growth. If it gets a lot of sun, maybe you should move it around or buy some blackout curtains.

Once the water is clean, put your fish on a diet. If you overfeed them, the debris will go to the bottom, and algae growth will accelerate.

While Acrylic Fish Tank can scratch more easily than glass, scratches can be removed by sanding and polishing, unlike glass. Scratches and scrapes can also be removed from inside and outside the tank with products made specifically for this purpose. Here is how.


Empty the water and fish tank. If you remove scratches on the inside, it produces acrylic particles through sanding, which may not be good for your fish.

Sand in one direction only with 120 or 220 wet/dry sandpaper for deep grooves, 320 grit for scratches that can be felt with a fingernail, 1800 or 400 grit for fine scratches, 2400 or 3200 for light wear marks, or 4000 or 6000 grit very fine stripes.

After the first sanding, move to the next grade of sandpaper and sand direction.

Keep working through the grades of sandpaper until you reach the finest sand. Directions switch with each grain. Never work in a circular motion, which can cause swirls on the acrylic surface.

Expand the sanding area by about 4 inches with each grade to avoid distorting the sanding down a small spot.

Clean the Acrylic Tube Aquarium with clean water and a drop of detergent once the surface has been restored to your satisfaction. Use flannel for cleaning and drying, and avoid paper towels.

Tips and Warnings:

  • Abrasive liquid cleaners are available at aquarium supply stores.
  • Do not use ammonia or window cleaner on acrylic.

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