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How To Place A Glass Water Feature

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How To Place A Glass Water Feature

How To Place A Glass Water Feature

Glass Water Feature is a very interesting material from the point of view of creating various items. We also offer you some interesting ideas for decorating your home with the help of Indoor Glass Waterfall. Before laying the foundation of the Indoor Glass Waterfall, it is recommended to clean the glass surface. To work a Glass Water Feature, it is desirable to use the last, last distillation, water.

  • To keep the Water Bubble Walls moist to the air and perform an aesthetic function, set the light. For these purposes, you can use moisture-resistant neon lamps that can be purchased at any construction store.
  • Create the foundation part of the design. It must be durable and capable of supporting the weight of glass and liquid, as well as air tightness. Also, the size of the base should be so that you easily put the Water Bubble Walls on it.
  • It is assembling the check valve, air system and nutrient elements. Note that the valve provides an inability to supply the fluid or its complete discharge. Also, the backlight is desirable to install beforehand and check performance.
  • Install carbon-based foundation Indoor Glass Waterfall. Once youre on it, turn on the backlight.
  • At the bottom of the platform, make a glass container in which the water will be located.
  • The air bubbles supplied by the water must be uniform and of the same shape, for which the presence of an acrylic sprayer with additional holes will be required.
  • Determine the location of the container of water. It can be installed on the top of the waterfall or the floor and podium floor area.

Key: Please note that the water level must be permanent. Just so that proper system operation of a Glass Water Feature can be achieved.

Glass waterfalls are very popular in the US and other major cities. This decoration will suit:

  • apartment interiors;
  • cabins, country houses;
  • winter gardens, greenhouses;
  • local areas, home plots;
  • Offices;
  • malls;
  • cafes, restaurants;
  • night clubs;
  • beauty salons, SPA;
  • water parks

Depending on the type of finish, Indoor Glass Waterfall will fit into rooms decorated in various styles: from modern to high-tech. It can be used for zoning, indoor air humidification, integrated into walls, doors, displays, furniture items, aquariums, terrariums.

Our consultants are always ready to help you choose the appropriate option of typical or develop an individual project for you, taking into account all the nuances of the interior of the local area.

Design features:

All decorative Glass Water Feature consists of several parts:

  • The base surface on which water flows: smooth or embossed tempered glass;
  • Pump for water supply, providing a circular circulation;
  • Receiving capacity;
  • Aluminum frames in which the electrical conducts are located;
  • Illumination – LED or RGB lamps.
  • The filler distils the water from the water temperature, which makes it possible to eliminate blooming, the appearance of unpleasant odor, clogging and other problems with the operation. It is not necessary to connect the system to the water supply system.

Benefits of choosing Midwest Tropical to buy your Glass Water Feature:

  • Reliable, inexpensive, efficient, environmentally friendly design, which requires a minimum of attention and fits perfectly into the interior;
  • Services of competent and experienced employees, real professionals of your case;
  • Affordable prices for the manufacture of waterfalls.
  • Reasonable time execution time;
  • A small maintenance cost of the system master (diagnostics, performance tests, replacement of defective parts, cleaning, water replacement);
  • A wide range of services for the manufacture, installation and maintenance of Glass Water Feature, Water Bubble Walls, and other decorative water bodies.
  • We offer fast and efficient delivery.

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