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How Custom Waterfalls Can Help Give Your Commercial Space a Complete Facelift

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How Custom Waterfalls Can Help Give Your Commercial Space a Complete Facelift

How Custom Waterfalls Can Help Give Your Commercial Space a Complete Facelift

From custom waterfall walls to highly appealing rain curtains, reflection pools and, waterfall on walls manufactured in copper or acrylic – you name it! As the world moves towards minimalism, we can witness newer examples of natural features like rockeries and waterfalls coming indoors, especially in commercial urban spaces that have hundreds and thousands of visitors every day. Here™s a question, why do we still need nature to keep people hooked, despite having hundreds of robots to meet and greet? That™s simply because no level of technological advancement can replace the attractive presence of an indoor water feature.

Modern entrepreneurs are not only investing their time and money on material capital and human resource, but they are paying significant attention to the overall architecture and design aesthetics of their commercial environment. That™s the reason logo water features and bubble wall panels with company taglines printed are gaining immense popularity.

Increased flow of customers

Indoor water features are a perfect decor option for beauty spas, doctors, and dentists™ offices because they don™t intimidate visitors. If you plan on installing one such feature, you won™t have to play around a lot with your brand™s color palette as you can choose from the classy sky and aqua blue colors or set up fairy lights to make the experience a little more colorful. When choosing an indoor water feature, one can stay as decent and limited to as funky as their brand allows them!

Enhanced Visual Aesthetics

Indoor water features like indoor waterfalls and rain curtains emit a sense of classy aesthetics that™s often only seen at elite shopping malls and beauty spas. That™s because such organizations aim to provide an excellent customer experience to their visitors?no wonder this soothing environment and the subtle sound of water never fail in wowing people. One greater benefit of installing waterfall designs in spacious spaces is that people don™t get bored while waiting or walking. That™s why the biggest shopping malls in the world have several indoor water features especially installed in their corridors.

Contemporary design

Waterfall designs, especially the most modern ones that could cover up wider walls, are an indication of classy architectural sense. These are platforms to show off your design concepts and advertise the overall purpose of your brand. And guess what? With custom water features, you won™t even have to sound salesy; instead, let your logo and tagline on the acrylic panel convey your message! From Midwest Tropical, these indoor waterfalls and any other custom-made water features don™t come cheap; instead, they speak volumes about quality and modernism.

Below we™ve mentioned the most modern and sought-after waterfall features offered by Midwest Tropical.

Rain Curtains

These cover less space as compared to indoor waterfalls or fountains. It™s not necessary to place it on a wall since you can get it installed even in the middle of a busy lobby. These are highly suitable for quiet places like libraries or hospital’s welcome lobbies.

Indoor Waterfalls

These cover up almost equivalent vertical and horizontal spaces and are perfect for spacious places like shopping malls, huge offices that entertain the public, or hotels that have a lot of visitors coming day in and out every day.

Bubble Walls

Simple as their name, these are bubble walls, creating an illusion of a vertical pool. These are different and elegant for the fact that they are modern and suitable for restaurants and night bars, and clubs.

While this is a shortlist of the trendiest indoor water features, there are countless other options for commercial spaces that either have too much empty space or have very little of it. Remember that your choice of style and customization will reflect your brand; so, whatever you choose, give high value to your brand aesthetics, creative vision, and your dreams!

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